The vice-president of the American Cameraman Society, Jack Messitt, American Film Institute graduate, joins the Asian production company known throughout the galaxy, Bigfoot Entertainment, to give us the dark and gory version of The Purple Rose of Cairo. A few friends, a couple who arrive on a Harley, plus a policeman and a forensic psychologist meet up in a creepy cinema to see the re-release of a cursed film Dark Beneath, directed by a producer who was involved in an atrocious massacre. The film in question is in black and white and once again it shows kids getting into trouble in the countryside. However the best bit starts when the spectators start to be murdered in the cinema and their death is shown on the screen, where their corpses are dragged for eternity.
Estados Unidos, 2008
Dirección: Jack Messitt
Producción: Kacy Andrews,
Liam Finn, Jacques Thelemaque
Guión: Mark Garbett
Fotografía: Clyde Smith,
Ruben F. Russ
Música: Penka Kouneva
Montaje: Kris Villarino
Intérpretes: Rebekah Brandes, Daniel Bonjour, Mandell Maughan, Greg Cirulnick,
Stan Ellsworth
Duración: 80 minutos
Bigfoot Entertainment
Tf.: 1 310 45 56 69
2008 - Semana de Cine Fantástico y de Terror. Unidad de Cine.
Donostia Kultura. Teatro Victoria Eugenia. Reina Regente 8, 4. 20003 Donostia - San Sebastián
Tel.: (34) 943 48 11 57/97 - Fax: (34) 943 43 06 21 E-mail: