Documentary which follows the life of Miro, a young man from Magdeburgo who works in an agency dedicated to “assistance at work” for old people. This pilot programme aims to help men and women who have reached a certain age to continue working, with assistance from young people who are trained to help them, learning their trade at the same time. Young people such as Miro provide as much help as they can to old people who wish to continue working for longer. So what does Mr Janssen do? Miro goes to his house, he helps him to put on his suit, he takes him to the door of an office building surrounded by policemen; he walks with him to the lift and... not all jobs have the same occupational risks.
Alemania, 2008
Dirección: Thomas Oberlies, Matthias Vogel
Producción: Marco Del Bianco, Frank Kaminski, Ulrich Stiehm / Jumping Horse Film
Guión: Thomas Oberlies, Matthias Vogel
Fotografía: Martin D’Costa
Música: Ingo Ludwig Frenzel
Montaje: Martin D’Costa
Intérpretes: Wilfried Elste, Mark Auerbach, Wolfgang Stegemann, Antje Rau, Rainer Knepperges
Duración: 12 minutos
Jumping Horse Film
Tf.: 49 5 11 30 05 237
2009 - Semana de Cine Fantástico y de Terror. Unidad de Cine.
Donostia Kultura. Teatro Victoria Eugenia. Reina Regente 8, 4. 20003 Donostia - San Sebastián
Tel.: (34) 943 48 11 57/97 - Fax: (34) 943 43 06 21 E-mail: