The borderline between our world and the kingdom of darkness is very fragile and unstable. Creatures from the Other Side are trapped here through innocent beings that they are possessing, like the girl that stars in this long term project that for the time being has only filmed the first sequence. It is currently available as a (powerful) short film to try and get further financing. The creatures of Evil that cross the line are only stopped by a secret order of priests, the Dies Irae, the border defenders, last hope of humanity so that the creatures from Hell do not take over their world. Spectacular short film directed by Pedro Cristiani, script writer for the surprising Moebius a decade ago.
Argentina, 2010
Dirección: Pedro Cristiani
Producción: Guillermo A. Gatti / Nerdhaus Films, RabbidFX Team
Guión: Pedro Cristiani
Fotografía: Lucio Bonelli
Música: Agente Naranja
Montaje: Guillermo A. Gatti
Intérpretes: Ana Pauls, Simon Ratziel, Gastón Ricaud, Bernarda Pagés, Julia Perette
Duración: 13 minutos
Guillermo A. Gatti
Nerdhaus Films
2010 - Semana de Cine Fantástico y de Terror. Unidad de Cine.
Donostia Kultura. Teatro Victoria Eugenia. Reina Regente 8, 4. 20003 Donostia - San Sebastián
Tel.: (34) 943 48 11 57/97 - Fax: (34) 943 43 06 21 E-mail: