Pequeños electrodomésticos (2012)


Pequeños electrodomésticos

Principal Theater

Wednesday, 2012(e)ko Octoberk 31 / 17:00
7,30 EUR /Tickets

Spain. Direction: Manuel Arija, La Madriguera. Production: Manuel Arija. Screenplay: Manuel Arija, Manuel Campos. Photography: Carlos Padial. Music: Manuel Campos. Edition: Manuel Campos, David Varela. Cast: Inés Blanco, Ignacio Vera. Running time: 8 min


Two people unknown to one another. Their first date. They come back to her house after dinner for a few drinks. Maybe they should make this their last. A gin and tonic with cucumber? Why not? A big settee. The lights are low. It feels like the start of something. And it certainly is. The protagonists of the story seem predestined to meet on a night such as this. A hidden secret will come to the surface. Manuel Arija –Mi amor vive en las alcantarillas (2008), La piñata (2009)– unites these twin souls in a fruity apotheosis.

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