El Bosque Negro (2014)


El Bosque Negro

Principal Theater

Tuesday, 2014(e)ko Octoberk 28 / 17:00
7,40 EUR /Tickets

Basque Country. Direction: Paul Urkijo Alijo. Production: Iban Saldaña, Christian Gálvez, Pablo Ibáñez, Ignacio Ibáñez, Izaskun Urkijo, Platanobolígrafo, Omar G. García, Urko Olazabal, Ortzi Acosta Calvo, Paul Urkijo / Inguma Filmak. Screenplay: Paul Urkijo Alijo. Photography: Carlos Gil. Music: Xabat Lertxundi. Edition: Paul Urkijo Alijo. Cast: Ortzi Acosta, Txema Blasco, Ander Pardo, Elías García, Ioar Argomaniz. Running time: 15 min

LANGUAGE: Spanish / SUBTITLES: English

Sir Héctor, a brave knight equipped with armour and steed, enters the Black Forest to rescue a beautiful dame from the claws of a terrible ogre. Will he succeed whether others have succumbed to horror and death? Latest short from Vitoria’s Paul Urkijo, helmer of Monsters Do Not Exist (2012) and Ohe azpiko zera (2012), among others.

  • San Sebastián, ciudad de la cultura - donostiakultura.com
  • Donsotiako Udala / Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián
  • Donostia - San Sebastián 2016