Welcome to the first race where coming first is of absolutely no importance. The living dead don’t even know how to count...
The San Sebastián Zombie Walk is back! And this year, after the Poteo of the Dead pub crawl and Danborrada Z, we will once again zombify a tradition close to our hearts. Our next victim will be the Behobia-San Sebastián race. That's right! The dead will rise from their tombs, not to walk on this occasion, but to run. Within their rather limited possibilities that is.
As a marathon it would be too long for such unsprightly runners, so we’ve decided to make it a little shorter and concentrate our energy in the Boulevard, starting alongside La Bretxa and ending next to the Music Stand. And although it doesn’t matter who comes first, participating is hugely important... there will be rewards...
Yet another year, we want to energise the Horror and Fantasy Film Festival breeding ground. So how will we do it? Well, by organising a workshop where boys and girls will get busy with handicrafts to pack the Behobia Z full of colour.
The workshop will be divided into two spaces. On the one hand, the BehobiaZTxiki Zone, where the youngsters will learn to make themselves up zombie-style. They will also be given materials to create their race bibs. Everything they need to become true-blood zombie athletes.
On the other hand, we will have the Zombie-Cup Zone. The adult Behobia Z will have a series of trophies, and our young athletes will precisely make one of them in this space. A creative activity involving decoration using recycled materials!