
Operation Avalanche

Victoria Eugenia Antzokia

Monday, 2016 October 31 / 19:30
7,50 EUR /Tickets

USA-Canada. Direction: Matt Johnson. Production: Matthew Miller, Lee Kim, Matt Johnson / XYZ Films, Zapruder Films, Resolute Films and Entertainment. Screenplay: Matt Johnson, Josh Boles. Photography: Andy Appelle, Jared Raab. Edition: Curt Lobb. Cast: Matt Johnson, Owen Williams, Andy Appelle, Jared Raab, Josh Boles. Running time: 94 min


According to the Wikipedia article, "a US-Canadian conspiracy film with found footage where CIA agents infiltrate NASA and get caught up in an attempt to fake landing Apollo 11 on the Moon in 1969". What the article fails to mention is the 60s feel, so like Kennedy, so film buff, so like Kubrick, or Dr. Strangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb, and Breathless (1960), infused throughout this crafty yet naive mockumentary premiering at Sundance, that uses real archives from Cape Canaveral. Of course, the authors, a sublime pair of splendidly borderline renegades, got said material by lying about what they were going to use it for.

  • San Sebastián, ciudad de la cultura - donostiakultura.eus
  • Donsotiako Udala / Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián
  • Donostia - San Sebastián 2016