Donostia Kultura
Donostiako Udala

Birthday (2017)


Principal Theater Sunday, 2017 October 29 / 19:30 7,50 € Tickets

Italy. Direction: Viavattene. Production:  Claudio Bronzo, Lorenzo Lotti, Alessandro Regaldo / Indastria Film, Grey Ladder, Dimago. Screenplay: Viavattene. Photography: Sandro De Frino. Music: Enrico Ascoli. Edition: Alessandro Pisani. Cast: Roxane Duran, Sydne Rome, Stewart Arnold, Viola Sartoretto, Giulia Luna. Running time: 9 min

LANGUAGE: English / SUBTITLES: Spanish

Night. An nurse wanders through the halls of a nursing home. She integrates her salary by secretly selling prescription drugs to drug addicts and stealing from the most vulnerable patients.

Araña Araña