Donostia Kultura
Donostiako Udala
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The exhibition "Art Toys" is open at Kutxa Kultur Plaza

Art Toys


The exhibition Art Toys – Like I’m telling you. A different form of telling. Another way of playing will be open between October 17th and November 19th at Kutxa Kultur Plaza – Tabakalera 4th Floor.

Clasic and modern tales; traditionals and/or modern ones. A long long time ago... the tales that we know today were told in the past in a very different way. They have evolved, adapting to new times. New tales have being created.

The Art Toys of the photos and graphics from this exhibition are precisely characters with a story, a mesage. With personal and original narratives. Contemporary creations that are part of an artistic movement with a common bond: the aesthetics of toys.

Araña Araña