Donostia Kultura
Donostiako Udala

La Couleur de tes lèvres (2018)


La Couleur de tes lèvres
Principal Theater Tuesday, 2018 October 30 / 22:00 7,50 €

Canada. Direction: Annick Blanc. Production: Maria Gracia Turgeon / Midi La Nuit. Screenplay: Annick Blanc. Photography: Derek Branscombe. Music: Marie-Hélène L. Delorme. Edition: David Valiquette. Cast: Alexis Lefebvre, Katia LéVesque. Running time: 18 min

In an atmosphere grown suddenly impossible to breathe, a diver and a woman appear to be the only survivors. As their reserves of air run out, will they make love or war?

Araña Araña