USA. Direction: Joe Begos. Production: Joe Begos, Josh Ethier, Dora Madison, Graham Skipper, Caroline Metz, Lyle Kanouse, Audrey Wasilewski / Channel 83 Films. Coproduction: Brian Dutton, Matt Mercer. Screenplay: Joe Begos. Photography: Mike Testin. Music: Steve Moore. Edition: Josh Ethier. Cast: Dora Madison, Tru Collins, Jeremy Gardner, Rhys Wakefield, George Wendt. Running time: 80 min.
LANGUAGE: English / SUBTITLES: Spanish
It first burst onto the scene at De Niro's Tribeca Film Festival in New York. This splendid vampire trip went on to become a big hit, like a drug that has just been experienced for the first time that, if you are an artist and have lost your mojo, groove or muse that you need to finish your masterpiece, will turn you into a kind of bloodied Pollock. And dripping will be child's play compared with your abstract expressionism bordering on the films of Noé and Ferrara, if we are to believe the publicity. With a brutal, metal and violent soundtrack, amazing production design and lavishly sordid central character, this is one of the films of the decade. Honour and glory to the director of photography and editor.