
Dead & Beautiful
Victoria Eugenia Antzokia Sunday, 2021 October 31 / 23:00 7,50 € Tickets

Netherlends-Taiwan. Direction: David Verbeek. Production: Leontine Petit, Erik Glijnis / Lemming Film. Coproduction: House on Fire International, Nukleus Film, Woods of Light Film. Executive production: Judy Tossell. Screenplay: David Verbeek. Photography: Jasper Wolf. Music: Rutger Reinders. Edition: Axel Skovdal Roelofs. Cast: Aviis Zhong, Gijs Blom, Yen Tsao, Anechka Marchenko, Cheng-En Philip Juan. Running time: 98 min.

LANGUAGE: English, Mandarin / SUBTITLES: Spanish

Yep, they're beautiful. Yep, they're dead. But they're also rich. Dirty rich. According to the Pandora Papers and the Rotterdam Festival accounts, the Vanderbilts have a fortune estimated to stand in the region of 25 billion dollars. The Lo Family is poorer: their tax haven savings don't seem to be a penny over 1.5 billion $. The Rublovs raise the stakes: 23 billions; with ten more than the Tsais, who have some 13. We don't know the sum of the Wo dynasty finances. A film from The Netherlands with style. Class. Charme. Directed by the author of Beat (2004) and Full Contract (2015). Good advice for the rest of your life: if you're so beautiful and so rich that you're sick and tired of yourself and bored stiff with what the French call l'ennui, why not die and turn yourself into a vampire? Great stuff.

Araña Araña