20th Century Boys

20th Century Boys

Someone wrote on the net that one of the few ways of surviving a Sunday afternoon was to read four consecutive volumes of Naoki Urasawa’s 20th Century Boys manga comic. Someone else replied that this saga told along a time line of 50 years (with a jump to 2017 in volume 5) reminded her of the best Stephen King stories about young friendship. As far as Yukihiko Tsutsumi, the director of 20th Century Boys, is concerned, on the internet they consider him to be a bizarre and tough man who has managed to maintain the spirit of these children and their world in what will be a trilogy, a trilogy with a budget of 55 million dollars. It’s not a lot of money, Mad Movies has already tipped us off, but it’s the spirit that matters and this is maintained.

Japón, 2008
Dirección: Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Producción: Noboyuki Inhuma, Morio Amagi, Ryuji Ichiyama
Guión: Yasushi Fukuda, Takashi Nagasaki, Naoki Urasawa, Yusuke Watanabe
Fotografía: Satoru Karasawa
Música: Ryomei Shirai
Montaje: Nobuyuki Ito
Intérpretes: Toshiaki Karasawa, Etsushi Toyokawa, Takako Tokiwa, Teruyuki Kagawa, Hidehiko Ishizuka
Duración: 142 minutos
Contacto: Fumiko Nagata
Tf.: 81 3 6215 3028

2008 - Semana de Cine Fantástico y de Terror. Unidad de Cine.
Donostia Kultura. Teatro Victoria Eugenia. Reina Regente 8, 4. 20003 Donostia - San Sebastián
Tel.: (34) 943 48 11 57/97 - Fax: (34) 943 43 06 21 E-mail: cinema_cinema@donostia.org