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Presented in the Santa Bárbara and Edinburgh festivals before ending up at the Principal, the information on this British Hazeldine film gives four very significant words in the “genre” section: British/Cult/Thriller/Indie. It’s really not a bad definition at all. The trailer, removed from some websites due to supposed poor use, states: “Eight contenders, a sheet of paper, eighty minutes and three rules: no talking with the examiner or the security guard, do not spoil the paper under any circumstances and do not leave the room for any reason”. Internet users have already compared it to Cube, Saw and The Method. Its director confesses that he loves to play cat and mouse with the people around him (he and his scriptwriter being the cats of course) and if the publicity for The Clinic asks How far would a mother go to rescue her baby? Exam has a more social-occupational ingredient: What would you do to get a job???!!!

Reino Unido, 2009
Dirección: Stuart Hazeldine
Producción: Stuart Hazeldine, Gareth Unwin / Bedlam Productions
Guión: Stuart Hazeldine
Fotografía: Tim Wooster
Música: Stephen Barton, Matthew Cracknell
Montaje: Mark Talbot-Butler
Intérpretes: Luke Mably, Chuk Iwuji, Natalie Cox, Jimmy Mistry, Colin Salmon
Duración: 101 minutos
Independent Film Company
Tf.: 44 207 257 87 34


See in youtube

2010 - Semana de Cine Fantástico y de Terror. Unidad de Cine.
Donostia Kultura. Teatro Victoria Eugenia. Reina Regente 8, 4. 20003 Donostia - San Sebastián
Tel.: (34) 943 48 11 57/97 - Fax: (34) 943 43 06 21 E-mail: