Joe Amato is the director of La iena and Le notti erotiche dei morti viventi: Salve, Agur, Ciao, caro amico. It will be a pleasure to watch this film from 1980 with the original and justified title of Antropophagus. Played by a solid and powerful actor, George Eastman incarnates the poor human devil that has been punished and made to devour human flesh because he ate his nearest and dearest after a shipwreck. This exceedingly low budget film grows and grows some more and in its final gory super-duper wonder section from the 1980s (remember that D’Amato also filmed Porno Holocaust) when the day trippers injure the monster, not unlike Polyphemus, in the stomach. Thatcher, Pinochet’s big buddy, included Antropophagus on a list of truly nasty videos that would be forbidden by her government.
Italia, 1980
Dirección: Joe D’Amato
Producción: Joe D’Amato, George Eastman, Oscar Santaniello / Filmirage, Produzioni Cinematografiche Massaccesi (PCM)
Guión: Joe D’Amato,
George Eastman
Fotografía: Enrico Biribicchi
Música: Marcello Giombini
Montaje: Ornella Micheli
Intérpretes: Tisa Farrow, Saverio Vallone, Vanessa Steiger, Margaret Donnelly, George Eastman
Duración: 90 minutos
2010 - Semana de Cine Fantástico y de Terror. Unidad de Cine.
Donostia Kultura. Teatro Victoria Eugenia. Reina Regente 8, 4. 20003 Donostia - San Sebastián
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