España-Francia, 2010
Dirección: Miguel Ángel Vivas
Producción: Emma Lustres, Borja Pena / Vaca Producciones, Blur Producciones, La Fabrique 2
Guión: Miguel Ángel Vivas, con la colaboración de Javier García
Fotografía: Pedro J. Márquez
Música: Sergio Moure
Montaje: José Manuel Jiménez
Intérpretes: Fernando Cayo, Manuela Vellés, Ana Wagener, Guillermo Barrientos,
Martijn Kuiper
Duración: 78 minutos
Vaca Films
Of course, when you write that Kidnapped is about a (happy?) family undergoing an express kidnapping that turns out to be not quite as fast as planned it might remind you of Funny Games by Haneke. That’s logical. We hope that its director doesn’t mind the comparison. He should just get on with it as this film, produced by the people from Celda 211, has a shooting and post production web-diary that has provided some incredibly tasty morsels. By the way, Miguel Ángel Vivas directed a video for Sindicato del Crimen that came right out of the screen. He, Miguel, says that the subject of his feature film is no less than Terror, absolute fear and the violence that generates it. Not bad at all for a starting point. Pay special attention to the sound track, the sound and the montage, and don’t miss the main characters, and the promo that starts off apocalyptically: “In Spain there are 425,000 break-ins a year: one every 75 seconds. It could be your house next.” Great.
2010 - Semana de Cine Fantástico y de Terror. Unidad de Cine.
Donostia Kultura. Teatro Victoria Eugenia. Reina Regente 8, 4. 20003 Donostia - San Sebastián
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